# Accessible elements with respect to relations

module order-theory.accessible-elements-relations where


open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.binary-relations
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.function-extensionality
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import foundation-core.function-types
open import foundation-core.negation
open import foundation-core.propositions


## Idea

Given a type `X` with a [binary relation](foundation.binary-relations.md)
`_<_ : X → X → Type` we say that `x : X` is **accessible** if `y` is accessible
for all `y < x`. Note that the predicate of being an accessible element is a
recursive condition. The accessibility predicate is therefore implemented as an
inductive type with one constructor:

  access : ((y : X) → y < x → is-accessible y) → is-accessible x

## Definitions

### The predicate of being an accessible element with respect to a relation

module _
  {l1 l2} {X : UU l1} (_<_ : Relation l2 X)

  data is-accessible-element-Relation (x : X) : UU (l1  l2)
    access :
      ({y : X}  y < x  is-accessible-element-Relation y) 
      is-accessible-element-Relation x

### Accessible elements with respect to relations

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} (_<_ : Relation l2 X)

  accessible-element-Relation : UU (l1  l2)
  accessible-element-Relation = Σ X (is-accessible-element-Relation _<_)

## Properties

### Any element in relation to an accessible element is accessible

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} (_<_ : Relation l2 X)

  is-accessible-element-is-related-to-accessible-element-Relation :
    {x : X}  is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ x 
    {y : X}  y < x  is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ y
  is-accessible-element-is-related-to-accessible-element-Relation (access f) =

### An induction principle for accessible elements

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {X : UU l1} (_<_ : Relation l2 X) (P : X  UU l3)

  ind-accessible-element-Relation :
    ( {x : X}  is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ x 
      ({y : X}  y < x  P y)  P x) 
    {x : X}  is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ x  P x
  ind-accessible-element-Relation IH (access f) =
    IH (access f)  H  ind-accessible-element-Relation IH (f H))

### Accessibility is a property

**Proof:** Consider an element `x : X` of a type `X` equipped with a binary
relation `_<_`. We prove by double induction that any two elements of
`is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ x` are equal. It therefore suffices to prove
that `access f = access f'` for any two elements

  f f' : {y : X} → y < x → is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ y

The induction hypotheses asserts that any two elements of type
`is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ y` are equal for any `y < x`. The induction
hypothesis therefore implies that any two elements in the type

  {y : X} → y < x → is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ y

are equal. Therefore it follows that `f = f'`, and we conclude that
`access f = access f'`.

module _ {l1 l2} {X : UU l1} (_<_ : Relation l2 X) where

  all-elements-equal-is-accessible-element-Relation :
    (x : X)  all-elements-equal (is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ x)
  all-elements-equal-is-accessible-element-Relation x (access f) (access f') =
      ( access)
      ( eq-htpy-implicit
        ( λ y 
            ( λ H 
              all-elements-equal-is-accessible-element-Relation y
                ( f H)
                ( f' H))))

  is-prop-is-accessible-element-Relation :
    (x : X)  is-prop (is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ x)
  is-prop-is-accessible-element-Relation x =
      ( all-elements-equal-is-accessible-element-Relation x)

  is-accessible-element-prop-Relation : (x : X)  Prop (l1  l2)
  pr1 (is-accessible-element-prop-Relation x) =
    is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ x
  pr2 (is-accessible-element-prop-Relation x) =
    is-prop-is-accessible-element-Relation x

### If `x` is an `<`-accessible element, then `<` is antisymmetric at `x`

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} (_<_ : Relation l2 X)

  is-asymmetric-is-accessible-element-Relation :
    {x : X}  is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ x 
    {y : X}  x < y  ¬ (y < x)
  is-asymmetric-is-accessible-element-Relation (access f) H K =
    is-asymmetric-is-accessible-element-Relation (f K) K H

### If `x` is an `<`-accessible element, then `<` is irreflexive at `x`

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} (_<_ : Relation l2 X)

  is-irreflexive-is-accessible-element-Relation :
    {x : X}  is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ x  ¬ (x < x)
  is-irreflexive-is-accessible-element-Relation a H =
    is-asymmetric-is-accessible-element-Relation _<_ a H H