# Small types

module foundation-core.small-types where


open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.functoriality-coproduct-types
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-function-types
open import foundation.logical-equivalences
open import foundation.mere-equivalences
open import foundation.propositional-truncations
open import foundation.raising-universe-levels
open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.univalence
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import foundation-core.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation-core.contractible-types
open import foundation-core.coproduct-types
open import foundation-core.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.propositions


## Idea

A type is said to be **small** with respect to a universe `UU l` if it is
[equivalent](foundation-core.equivalences.md) to a type in `UU l`.

## Definitions

### Small types

is-small :
  (l : Level) {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1)  UU (lsuc l  l1)
is-small l A = Σ (UU l)  X  A  X)

module _
  {l l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} (H : is-small l A)

  type-is-small : UU l
  type-is-small = pr1 H

  equiv-is-small : A  type-is-small
  equiv-is-small = pr2 H

  inv-equiv-is-small : type-is-small  A
  inv-equiv-is-small = inv-equiv equiv-is-small

  map-equiv-is-small : A  type-is-small
  map-equiv-is-small = map-equiv equiv-is-small

  map-inv-equiv-is-small : type-is-small  A
  map-inv-equiv-is-small = map-inv-equiv equiv-is-small

### The subuniverse of `UU l1`-small types in `UU l2`

Small-Type : (l1 l2 : Level)  UU (lsuc l1  lsuc l2)
Small-Type l1 l2 = Σ (UU l2) (is-small l1)

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Small-Type l1 l2)

  type-Small-Type : UU l2
  type-Small-Type = pr1 A

  is-small-type-Small-Type : is-small l1 type-Small-Type
  is-small-type-Small-Type = pr2 A

  small-type-Small-Type : UU l1
  small-type-Small-Type = type-is-small is-small-type-Small-Type

  equiv-is-small-type-Small-Type :
    type-Small-Type  small-type-Small-Type
  equiv-is-small-type-Small-Type =
    equiv-is-small is-small-type-Small-Type

## Properties

### Being small is a property

is-prop-is-small :
  (l : Level) {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1)  is-prop (is-small l A)
is-prop-is-small l A =
    ( λ Xe 
        ( Σ (UU l)  Y  (pr1 Xe)  Y))
        ( equiv-tot ((λ Y  equiv-precomp-equiv (pr2 Xe) Y)))
        ( is-torsorial-equiv (pr1 Xe)))

is-small-Prop :
  (l : Level) {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1)  Prop (lsuc l  l1)
pr1 (is-small-Prop l A) = is-small l A
pr2 (is-small-Prop l A) = is-prop-is-small l A

### Any type in `UU l1` is `l1`-small

is-small' : {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1}  is-small l1 A
pr1 (is-small' {A = A}) = A
pr2 is-small' = id-equiv

### Every type of universe level `l1` is `l1 ⊔ l2`-small

module _
  {l1 : Level} (l2 : Level) (X : UU l1)

  is-small-lmax : is-small (l1  l2) X
  pr1 is-small-lmax = raise l2 X
  pr2 is-small-lmax = compute-raise l2 X

  is-contr-is-small-lmax :
    is-contr (is-small (l1  l2) X)
  pr1 is-contr-is-small-lmax = is-small-lmax
  pr2 is-contr-is-small-lmax x = eq-is-prop (is-prop-is-small (l1  l2) X)

### Every type of universe level `l` is `UU (lsuc l)`-small

is-small-lsuc : {l : Level} (X : UU l)  is-small (lsuc l) X
is-small-lsuc {l} X = is-small-lmax (lsuc l) X

### Small types are closed under equivalences

is-small-equiv :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : UU l2) 
  A  B  is-small l3 B  is-small l3 A
pr1 (is-small-equiv B e (X , h)) = X
pr2 (is-small-equiv B e (X , h)) = h ∘e e

is-small-equiv' :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (A : UU l1) {B : UU l2} 
  A  B  is-small l3 A  is-small l3 B
is-small-equiv' A e = is-small-equiv A (inv-equiv e)

equiv-is-small-equiv :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} 
  A  B  is-small l3 A  is-small l3 B
equiv-is-small-equiv e =
  equiv-tot (equiv-precomp-equiv (inv-equiv e))

### The universe of `UU l1`-small types in `UU l2` is equivalent to the universe of `UU l2`-small types in `UU l1`

equiv-Small-Type :
  (l1 l2 : Level)  Small-Type l1 l2  Small-Type l2 l1
equiv-Small-Type l1 l2 =
  ( equiv-tot  X  equiv-tot  Y  equiv-inv-equiv))) ∘e
  ( equiv-left-swap-Σ)

### Being small is closed under mere equivalences

is-small-mere-equiv :
  (l : Level) {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2}  mere-equiv A B 
  is-small l B  is-small l A
is-small-mere-equiv l e H =
  apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop e
    ( is-small-Prop l _)
    ( λ e'  is-small-equiv _ e' H)

### Any contractible type is small

is-small-is-contr :
  (l : Level) {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1}  is-contr A  is-small l A
pr1 (is-small-is-contr l H) = raise-unit l
pr2 (is-small-is-contr l H) = equiv-is-contr H is-contr-raise-unit

### Small types are closed under dependent pair types

is-small-Σ :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2} 
  is-small l3 A  ((x : A)  is-small l4 (B x))  is-small (l3  l4) (Σ A B)
pr1 (is-small-Σ {B = B} (X , e) H) =
  Σ X  x  pr1 (H (map-inv-equiv e x)))
pr2 (is-small-Σ {B = B} (X , e) H) =
    ( λ x  pr1 (H (map-inv-equiv e x)))
    ( e)
    ( λ a 
      ( equiv-tr
        ( λ t  pr1 (H t))
        ( inv (is-retraction-map-inv-equiv e a))) ∘e
      ( pr2 (H a)))

Σ-Small-Type :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (A : Small-Type l1 l2) 
  (B : type-Small-Type A  Small-Type l3 l4)  Small-Type (l1  l3) (l2  l4)
pr1 (Σ-Small-Type A B) = Σ (type-Small-Type A)  a  type-Small-Type (B a))
pr2 (Σ-Small-Type {l1} {l2} {l3} {l4} A B) =
  is-small-Σ (is-small-type-Small-Type A)  a  is-small-type-Small-Type (B a))

### Small types are closed under cartesian products

is-small-prod :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} 
  is-small l3 A  is-small l4 B  is-small (l3  l4) (A × B)
is-small-prod H K = is-small-Σ H  a  K)

prod-Small-Type :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} 
  Small-Type l1 l2  Small-Type l3 l4  Small-Type (l1  l3) (l2  l4)
pr1 (prod-Small-Type A B) = type-Small-Type A × type-Small-Type B
pr2 (prod-Small-Type A B) =
  is-small-prod (is-small-type-Small-Type A) (is-small-type-Small-Type B)

### Any product of small types indexed by a small type is small

is-small-Π :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2} 
  is-small l3 A  ((x : A)  is-small l4 (B x)) 
  is-small (l3  l4) ((x : A)  B x)
pr1 (is-small-Π {B = B} (X , e) H) =
  (x : X)  pr1 (H (map-inv-equiv e x))
pr2 (is-small-Π {B = B} (X , e) H) =
    ( λ (x : X)  pr1 (H (map-inv-equiv e x)))
    ( e)
    ( λ a 
      ( equiv-tr
      ( λ t  pr1 (H t))
        ( inv (is-retraction-map-inv-equiv e a))) ∘e
      ( pr2 (H a)))

Π-Small-Type :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (A : Small-Type l1 l2) 
  (type-Small-Type A  Small-Type l3 l4)  Small-Type (l1  l3) (l2  l4)
pr1 (Π-Small-Type A B) = (a : type-Small-Type A)  type-Small-Type (B a)
pr2 (Π-Small-Type A B) =
  is-small-Π (is-small-type-Small-Type A)  a  is-small-type-Small-Type (B a))

### Small types are closed under function types

is-small-function-type :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} 
  is-small l3 A  is-small l4 B  is-small (l3  l4) (A  B)
is-small-function-type H K = is-small-Π H  a  K)

### Small types are closed under coproduct types

is-small-coprod :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} 
  is-small l3 A  is-small l4 B  is-small (l3  l4) (A + B)
pr1 (is-small-coprod H K) = type-is-small H + type-is-small K
pr2 (is-small-coprod H K) = equiv-coprod (equiv-is-small H) (equiv-is-small K)

coprod-Small-Type :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} 
  Small-Type l1 l2  Small-Type l3 l4  Small-Type (l1  l3) (l2  l4)
pr1 (coprod-Small-Type A B) = type-Small-Type A + type-Small-Type B
pr2 (coprod-Small-Type A B) =
  is-small-coprod (is-small-type-Small-Type A) (is-small-type-Small-Type B)

### The type of logical equivalences between small types is small

is-small-logical-equivalence :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} 
  is-small l3 A  is-small l4 B  is-small (l3  l4) (A  B)
is-small-logical-equivalence H K =
  is-small-prod (is-small-function-type H K) (is-small-function-type K H)