# Commuting squares of maps

module foundation.commuting-squares-of-maps where

open import foundation-core.commuting-squares-of-maps public


open import foundation.action-on-identifications-binary-functions
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.function-extensionality
open import foundation.precomposition-functions
open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation.whiskering-homotopies

open import foundation-core.commuting-triangles-of-maps
open import foundation-core.function-types
open import foundation-core.functoriality-function-types
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.identity-types


## Definitions

### Pasting commuting triangles into commuting squares along homotopic diagonals

Two commuting triangles

   A         A --> X
  | \         \    |
  |  \ H  L  K \   |
  |   \         \  |
  v    v         v v
  B --> Y         Y

with a homotopic diagonal may be pasted into a commuting square

  A -----> X
  |        |
  |        |
  v        v
  B -----> Y.

module _
  { l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {Y : UU l4}
  ( top : A  X) (left : A  B) (right : X  Y) (bottom : B  Y)

  coherence-square-htpy-coherence-triangles-maps :
    { diagonal-left diagonal-right : A  Y} 
    diagonal-left ~ diagonal-right 
    coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal-left bottom left 
    coherence-triangle-maps diagonal-right right top 
    coherence-square-maps top left right bottom
  coherence-square-htpy-coherence-triangles-maps L H K = (H ∙h L) ∙h K

  coherence-square-htpy-coherence-triangles-maps' :
    { diagonal-left diagonal-right : A  Y} 
    diagonal-left ~ diagonal-right 
    coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal-left bottom left 
    coherence-triangle-maps diagonal-right right top 
    coherence-square-maps top left right bottom
  coherence-square-htpy-coherence-triangles-maps' L H K = H ∙h (L ∙h K)

  coherence-square-coherence-triangles-maps :
    ( diagonal : A  Y) 
    coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal bottom left 
    coherence-triangle-maps diagonal right top 
    coherence-square-maps top left right bottom
  coherence-square-coherence-triangles-maps diagonal H K = H ∙h K

  compute-coherence-square-refl-htpy-coherence-triangles-maps :
    ( diagonal : A  Y) 
    ( H : coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal bottom left) 
    ( K : coherence-triangle-maps diagonal right top) 
    ( coherence-square-htpy-coherence-triangles-maps refl-htpy H K) ~
    ( coherence-square-coherence-triangles-maps diagonal H K)
  compute-coherence-square-refl-htpy-coherence-triangles-maps diagonal H K x =
    ap (_∙ K x) right-unit

### Inverting squares horizontally and vertically

If the horizontal/vertical maps in a commuting square are both equivalences,
then the square remains commuting if we invert those equivalences.

coherence-square-inv-horizontal :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {Y : UU l4}
  (top : A  B) (left : A  X) (right : B  Y) (bottom : X  Y) 
  coherence-square-maps (map-equiv top) left right (map-equiv bottom) 
  coherence-square-maps (map-inv-equiv top) right left (map-inv-equiv bottom)
coherence-square-inv-horizontal top left right bottom H b =
  map-eq-transpose-equiv' bottom
    ( ( ap right (inv (is-section-map-inv-equiv top b))) 
      ( inv (H (map-inv-equiv top b))))

coherence-square-inv-vertical :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {Y : UU l4}
  (top : A  B) (left : A  X) (right : B  Y) (bottom : X  Y) 
  coherence-square-maps top (map-equiv left) (map-equiv right) bottom 
  coherence-square-maps bottom (map-inv-equiv left) (map-inv-equiv right) top
coherence-square-inv-vertical top left right bottom H x =
  map-eq-transpose-equiv right
    ( ( inv (H (map-inv-equiv left x))) 
      ( ap bottom (is-section-map-inv-equiv left x)))

coherence-square-inv-all :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {Y : UU l4}
  (top : A  B) (left : A  X) (right : B  Y) (bottom : X  Y) 
    ( map-equiv top)
    ( map-equiv left)
    ( map-equiv right)
    ( map-equiv bottom) 
    ( map-inv-equiv bottom)
    ( map-inv-equiv right)
    ( map-inv-equiv left)
    ( map-inv-equiv top)
coherence-square-inv-all top left right bottom H =
    ( map-inv-equiv top)
    ( right)
    ( left)
    ( map-inv-equiv bottom)
    ( coherence-square-inv-horizontal
      ( top)
      ( map-equiv left)
      ( map-equiv right)
      ( bottom)
      ( H))

### Any commuting square of maps induces a commuting square of function spaces

precomp-coherence-square-maps :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level}
  {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4}
  (top : A  C) (left : A  B) (right : C  D) (bottom : B  D) 
  coherence-square-maps top left right bottom  (X : UU l5) 
    ( precomp right X)
    ( precomp bottom X)
    ( precomp top X)
    ( precomp left X)
precomp-coherence-square-maps top left right bottom H X =
  htpy-precomp H X

## Properties

### Distributivity of pasting squares and transposing by precomposition

Given two commuting squares which can be composed horizontally (vertically), we
know that composing them and then transposing them by precomposition gives the
same homotopies as first transposing the squares and then composing them.

      tl       tr                tr ∘ tl
  A -----> B -----> C         A --------> C
  |        |        |         |           |
l |       m|        | r |->  l|          r|
  |   H    |   K    |         |   H | K   |
  v        v        v         v           v
  X -----> Y -----> Z         X --------> Z
      bl       br                br ∘ bl

         -                          -
         |                          |
         v                          v

    W^Z ------> W^C
     |           |
-∘br |    W^K    | -∘tr           W^(H | K)
     |           |
     v     -∘m   v                   ~
    W^Y ------> W^B   |->
     |           |                  W^K
-∘bl |    W^H    | -∘tl             ---
     |           |                  W^H
     v           v
    W^X ------> W^A

module _
  { l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 : Level}
  { A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {X : UU l4} {Y : UU l5} {Z : UU l6}
  ( W : UU l7)

  distributive-precomp-pasting-horizontal-coherence-square-maps :
    ( top-left : A  B) (top-right : B  C)
    ( left : A  X) (middle : B  Y) (right : C  Z)
    ( bottom-left : X  Y) (bottom-right : Y  Z) 
    ( H : coherence-square-maps top-left left middle bottom-left) 
    ( K : coherence-square-maps top-right middle right bottom-right) 
      ( top-right  top-left)
      ( left)
      ( right)
      ( bottom-right  bottom-left)
      ( pasting-horizontal-coherence-square-maps
        ( top-left)
        ( top-right)
        ( left)
        ( middle)
        ( right)
        ( bottom-left)
        ( bottom-right)
        ( H)
        ( K))
      ( W) ~
      ( precomp right W)
      ( precomp bottom-right W)
      ( precomp top-right W)
      ( precomp middle W)
      ( precomp bottom-left W)
      ( precomp top-left W)
      ( precomp left W)
      ( precomp-coherence-square-maps
        ( top-right)
        ( middle)
        ( right)
        ( bottom-right)
        ( K)
        ( W))
      ( precomp-coherence-square-maps
        ( top-left)
        ( left)
        ( middle)
        ( bottom-left)
        ( H)
        ( W))
    ( top-left)
    ( top-right)
    ( left)
    ( middle)
    ( right)
    ( bottom-left)
    ( bottom-right)
    ( H)
    ( K)
    ( h) =
        ( h ·l ((bottom-right ·l H) ∙h (K ·r top-left)))
          ( (h ·l (bottom-right ·l H)) ∙h ((h ·l K) ·r top-left))
          ( eq-htpy)
          ( eq-htpy
            ( distributive-left-whisk-concat-htpy
              ( h)
              ( bottom-right ·l H)
              ( K ·r top-left)))
          ( h ·l (bottom-right ·l H)) 
          ( (h ·l K) ·r top-left)
          ( h ·l (bottom-right ·l H))
          ( (h ·l K) ·r top-left)
          ( (h  bottom-right) ·l H) 
            ( precomp top-left W)
            ( eq-htpy (h ·l K))
          ( λ L q  eq-htpy L  q)
          ( eq-htpy (associative-left-whisk-comp h bottom-right H))
          ( compute-eq-htpy-right-whisk
            ( top-left)
            ( h ·l K))

  distributive-precomp-pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps :
    ( top : A  X) (left-top : A  B) (right-top : X  Y) (middle : B  Y) 
    ( left-bottom : B  C) (right-bottom : Y  Z) (bottom : C  Z) 
    ( H : coherence-square-maps top left-top right-top middle) 
    ( K : coherence-square-maps middle left-bottom right-bottom bottom) 
      ( top)
      ( left-bottom  left-top)
      ( right-bottom  right-top)
      ( bottom)
      ( pasting-vertical-coherence-square-maps
        ( top)
        ( left-top)
        ( right-top)
        ( middle)
        ( left-bottom)
        ( right-bottom)
        ( bottom)
        ( H)
        ( K))
      ( W) ~
      ( precomp right-bottom W)
      ( precomp right-top W)
      ( precomp bottom W)
      ( precomp middle W)
      ( precomp top W)
      ( precomp left-bottom W)
      ( precomp left-top W)
      ( precomp-coherence-square-maps
        ( middle)
        ( left-bottom)
        ( right-bottom)
        ( bottom)
        ( K)
        ( W))
      ( precomp-coherence-square-maps
        ( top)
        ( left-top)
        ( right-top)
        ( middle)
        ( H)
        ( W))
    ( top)
    ( left-top)
    ( right-top)
    ( middle)
    ( left-bottom)
    ( right-bottom)
    ( bottom)
    ( H)
    ( K)
    ( h) =
        (h ·l ((K ·r left-top) ∙h (right-bottom ·l H)))
          ( ((h ·l K) ·r left-top) ∙h (h ·l (right-bottom ·l H)))
          ( eq-htpy)
          ( eq-htpy
            ( distributive-left-whisk-concat-htpy
            ( h)
            ( K ·r left-top)
            ( right-bottom ·l H)))
          ( (h ·l K) ·r left-top) 
          ( h ·l (right-bottom ·l H))
          ( (h ·l K) ·r left-top)
          ( h ·l (right-bottom ·l H))
          ( precomp left-top W)
          ( eq-htpy (h ·l K)) 
          ( (h  right-bottom) ·l H)
          ( λ p L  p  eq-htpy L)
          ( compute-eq-htpy-right-whisk left-top (h ·l K))
          ( eq-htpy (associative-left-whisk-comp h right-bottom H))

### Transposing by precomposition of whiskered squares

Taking a square of the form

      f        top
  X -----> A -----> B
           |        |
      left |   H    | right
           v        v
           C -----> D

and transposing it by precomposition results in the square

  W^D -----> W^B
   |          |
   |   W^H    |
   v          v   -∘f
  W^C -----> W^A -----> W^X

This fact can be written as distribution of right whiskering over transposition:
`W^(H ·r f) = W^f ·l W^H`.

module _
  { l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level}
  { A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4} {X : UU l5} (W : UU l6)
  ( top : A  B) (left : A  C) (right : B  D) (bottom : C  D)
  ( H : coherence-square-maps top left right bottom)

  distributive-precomp-right-whisk-coherence-square-maps :
    ( f : X  A) 
      ( top  f)
      ( left  f)
      ( right)
      ( bottom)
      ( H ·r f)
      ( W) ~
    ( ( precomp f W) ·l
      ( precomp-coherence-square-maps top left right bottom H W))
  distributive-precomp-right-whisk-coherence-square-maps f g =
    compute-eq-htpy-right-whisk f (g ·l H)

Similarly, we can calculate transpositions of left-whiskered squares with the
formula `W^(f ·l H) = W^H ·r W^f`.

  distributive-precomp-left-whisk-coherence-square-maps :
    ( f : D  X) 
      ( top)
      ( left)
      ( f  right)
      ( f  bottom)
      ( f ·l H)
      ( W) ~
    ( ( precomp-coherence-square-maps top left right bottom H W) ·r
      ( precomp f W))
  distributive-precomp-left-whisk-coherence-square-maps f g =
    ap eq-htpy (eq-htpy  a  inv (ap-comp g f (H a))))

### The square of function spaces induced by a composition of triangles is homotopic to the composition of induced triangles of function spaces

module _
  { l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level}
  { A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {Y : UU l4} (W : UU l5)
  ( top : A  X) (left : A  B) (right : X  Y) (bottom : B  Y)

  distributive-precomp-coherence-square-left-map-triangle-coherence-triangle-maps :
    { diagonal-left diagonal-right : A  Y} 
    ( L : diagonal-left ~ diagonal-right) 
    ( H : coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal-left bottom left) 
    ( K : coherence-triangle-maps diagonal-right right top) 
    ( precomp-coherence-square-maps
      ( top)
      ( left)
      ( right)
      ( bottom)
      ( coherence-square-htpy-coherence-triangles-maps
        ( top)
        ( left)
        ( right)
        ( bottom)
        ( L)
        ( H)
        ( K))
      ( W)) ~
    ( coherence-square-htpy-coherence-triangles-maps
      ( precomp right W)
      ( precomp bottom W)
      ( precomp top W)
      ( precomp left W)
      ( htpy-precomp L W)
      ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal-left bottom left H W)
      ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps diagonal-right right top K W))
    { diagonal-right = diagonal-right}
    ( L)
    ( H)
    ( K)
    ( h) =
    ( compute-concat-htpy-precomp (H ∙h L) K W h) 
    ( ap
      ( _∙ precomp-coherence-triangle-maps diagonal-right right top K W h)
      ( compute-concat-htpy-precomp H L W h))

  distributive-precomp-coherence-square-left-map-triangle-coherence-triangle-maps' :
    { diagonal-left diagonal-right : A  Y} 
    ( L : diagonal-left ~ diagonal-right) 
    ( H : coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal-left bottom left) 
    ( K : coherence-triangle-maps diagonal-right right top) 
    ( precomp-coherence-square-maps
      ( top)
      ( left)
      ( right)
      ( bottom)
      ( coherence-square-htpy-coherence-triangles-maps'
        ( top)
        ( left)
        ( right)
        ( bottom)
        ( L)
        ( H)
        ( K))
      ( W)) ~
    ( coherence-square-htpy-coherence-triangles-maps'
      ( precomp right W)
      ( precomp bottom W)
      ( precomp top W)
      ( precomp left W)
      ( htpy-precomp L W)
      ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal-left bottom left H W)
      ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps diagonal-right right top K W))
    { diagonal-left = diagonal-left}
    ( L)
    ( H)
    ( K)
    ( h) =
    ( compute-concat-htpy-precomp H (L ∙h K) W h) 
    ( ap
      ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal-left bottom left H W h ∙_)
      ( compute-concat-htpy-precomp L K W h))

  distributive-precomp-coherence-square-comp-coherence-triangles-maps :
    ( diagonal : A  Y) 
    ( H : coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal bottom left) 
    ( K : coherence-triangle-maps diagonal right top) 
    ( precomp-coherence-square-maps
      ( top)
      ( left)
      ( right)
      ( bottom)
      ( coherence-square-coherence-triangles-maps
        ( top)
        ( left)
        ( right)
        ( bottom)
        ( diagonal)
        ( H)
        ( K))
      ( W)) ~
    ( coherence-square-coherence-triangles-maps
      ( precomp right W)
      ( precomp bottom W)
      ( precomp top W)
      ( precomp left W)
      ( precomp diagonal W)
      ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps' diagonal bottom left H W)
      ( precomp-coherence-triangle-maps diagonal right top K W))
    ( diagonal)
    ( H)
    ( K)
    ( h) =
    compute-concat-htpy-precomp H K W h