{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting #-}

module set-quotient where

open import foundation.action-on-identifications-dependent-functions
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.logical-equivalences
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation.truncated-types
open import foundation.truncation-levels
open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation.constant-type-families
       renaming ( tr-constant-type-family  to tr-const
                ; apd-constant-type-family to apd-const)

open import notation
open import rewriting

module _ {i j} {A : UU i} (R : A  A  UU j) where

  postulate set-quotient : UU (i  j)

module _ {i j} {A : UU i} {R : A  A  UU j} where
  postulate q[_] : A  set-quotient R
    quot-rel : {a₁ a₂ : A}  R a₁ a₂  q[ a₁ ] == q[ a₂ ]
  postulate set-quotient-is-set : is-set (set-quotient R)

module _ {i j} {A : UU i} (R : A  A  UU j) where
  Set-quotient : Set (i  j)
  Set-quotient = (set-quotient R , set-quotient-is-set)

  module _ {k}
      {P : set-quotient {i} {j} {A} R  UU k}
      (p :  x  is-set (P x)) (q[_]* : (a : A)  P q[ a ])
      (rel* :  {a₁ a₂} (r : R a₁ a₂)
             tr P
                (quot-rel r)
                q[ a₁ ]*
            == q[ a₂ ]*) where
    postulate set-quotient-elim :  x  P x
    postulate set-quotient-elim-β :  a  set-quotient-elim q[ a ]  q[ a ]*
    {-# REWRITE set-quotient-elim-β #-}
    postulate set-quotient-elim-rel-β :  {a₁ a₂} (r : R a₁ a₂)  apd set-quotient-elim (quot-rel r) == rel* r

  module _ {k} {B : UU k}
       (p : is-set B)
       (f : A  B)
       (rel* :  {a₀ a₁}  (r : R a₀ a₁)  f a₀ == f a₁) where

   set-quotient-rec : set-quotient R  B
      = set-quotient-elim {P = λ _  B}
                           _  p)
                           r  tr-const _ _  rel* r)

   set-quotient-rec-rel-β :  {a₁ a₂} (r : R a₁ a₂)
                           ap set-quotient-rec (quot-rel r) == rel* r
   set-quotient-rec-rel-β r
     = is-injective-concat (tr-const _ _)
                           (  inv (apd-const _ _)
                             (set-quotient-elim-rel-β {P = λ _  B}
                                                        _  p)
                                                        r  tr-const _ _  rel* r)
                                                       (r)) )

{- Special case when P is propositional. -}
module _ {i j k} {A : UU i} (R : A  A  UU j)
  {P : set-quotient R  UU k}
  (p :  x  is-prop (P x)) where

  set-quotient-prop-elim : ((a : A)  P q[ a ])
                          x  P x
  set-quotient-prop-elim q[_]* =
    set-quotient-elim R
       x  is-set-is-prop (p x))
      λ {a₁} {a₂} Ra₁a₂  eq-is-prop (p _)

{- The induced transitive, reflexive, symmetric closure -}

module _ {i j} {A : UU i} (R : A  A  UU j) where
   ∥_∥ : A  A  Prop (i  j)
   ∥_∥ a b = Id-Prop (Set-quotient R) q[ a ] q[ b ]

   ∥_∥-equivalence-class-representation : (a a' : set-quotient R)  ((b : A)  a == q[ b ]  (a' == q[ b ]))  a == a'
   ∥_∥-equivalence-class-representation a a'
        = equiv-iff (Π-Prop A  b  equiv-Prop (Id-Prop (Set-quotient R) a  q[ b ])
                                                (Id-Prop (Set-quotient R) a' q[ b ])))
                    (Id-Prop (Set-quotient R) a a')
                    (set-quotient-prop-elim R
                                           {P = λ a'  ((b : A)  a == q[ b ]  (a' == q[ b ]))  a == a'}
                                            _  is-prop-function-type (set-quotient-is-set _ _))
                                            a' p  (p a' ⁻¹)  refl ) a')
                    (λ{refl b  id-equiv})