# Pullbacks

module foundation.pullbacks where

open import foundation-core.pullbacks public


open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.commuting-cubes-of-maps
open import foundation.cones-over-cospans
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.dependent-universal-property-equivalences
open import foundation.descent-equivalences
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.function-extensionality
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.fundamental-theorem-of-identity-types
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.homotopy-induction
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.postcomposition-functions
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import foundation-core.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation-core.constant-maps
open import foundation-core.contractible-types
open import foundation-core.diagonal-maps-of-types
open import foundation-core.equality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.function-types
open import foundation-core.functoriality-dependent-function-types
open import foundation-core.propositions
open import foundation-core.torsorial-type-families
open import foundation-core.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation-core.whiskering-homotopies


## Properties

### Being a pullback is a property

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
  (f : A  X) (g : B  X)

  is-property-is-pullback : (c : cone f g C)  is-prop (is-pullback f g c)
  is-property-is-pullback c = is-property-is-equiv (gap f g c)

  is-pullback-Prop : (c : cone f g C)  Prop (l1  l2  l3  l4)
  pr1 (is-pullback-Prop c) = is-pullback f g c
  pr2 (is-pullback-Prop c) = is-property-is-pullback c

### Exponents of pullbacks are pullbacks

exponent-cone :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level}
  {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {X : UU l4} (T : UU l5)
  (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c : cone f g C) 
  cone (postcomp T f) (postcomp T g) (T  C)
pr1 (exponent-cone T f g c) h = vertical-map-cone f g c  h
pr1 (pr2 (exponent-cone T f g c)) h = horizontal-map-cone f g c  h
pr2 (pr2 (exponent-cone T f g c)) h = eq-htpy (coherence-square-cone f g c ·r h)

map-standard-pullback-exponent :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} (f : A  X) (g : B  X)
  (T : UU l4) 
  standard-pullback (postcomp T f) (postcomp T g) 
  cone f g T
map-standard-pullback-exponent f g T =
  tot  p  tot  q  htpy-eq))

  is-equiv-map-standard-pullback-exponent :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
    {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} (f : A  X) (g : B  X)
    (T : UU l4)  is-equiv (map-standard-pullback-exponent f g T)
  is-equiv-map-standard-pullback-exponent f g T =
      ( λ p  is-equiv-tot-is-fiberwise-equiv
        ( λ q  funext (f  p) (g  q)))

triangle-map-standard-pullback-exponent :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
  (T : UU l5) (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c : cone f g C) 
  ( cone-map f g c {T}) ~
  ( ( map-standard-pullback-exponent f g T) 
    ( gap
      ( postcomp T f)
      ( postcomp T g)
      ( exponent-cone T f g c)))
  {A = A} {B} T f g c h =
    ( eq-pair-eq-pr2
      ( inv (is-section-eq-htpy (coherence-square-cone f g c ·r h))))

  is-pullback-exponent-is-pullback :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
    (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c : cone f g C)  is-pullback f g c 
    (T : UU l5) 
      ( postcomp T f)
      ( postcomp T g)
      ( exponent-cone T f g c)
  is-pullback-exponent-is-pullback f g c is-pb-c T =
      ( cone-map f g c)
      ( map-standard-pullback-exponent f g T)
      ( gap (f ∘_) (g ∘_) (exponent-cone T f g c))
      ( triangle-map-standard-pullback-exponent T f g c)
      ( is-equiv-map-standard-pullback-exponent f g T)
      ( universal-property-pullback-is-pullback f g c is-pb-c T)

  is-pullback-is-pullback-exponent :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
    (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c : cone f g C) 
    ((l5 : Level) (T : UU l5)  is-pullback
      ( postcomp T f)
      ( postcomp T g)
      ( exponent-cone T f g c)) 
    is-pullback f g c
  is-pullback-is-pullback-exponent f g c is-pb-exp =
    is-pullback-universal-property-pullback f g c
      ( λ T  is-equiv-left-map-triangle
        ( cone-map f g c)
        ( map-standard-pullback-exponent f g T)
        ( gap (f ∘_) (g ∘_) (exponent-cone T f g c))
        ( triangle-map-standard-pullback-exponent T f g c)
        ( is-pb-exp _ T)
        ( is-equiv-map-standard-pullback-exponent f g T))

### Identity types can be presented as pullbacks

cone-Id :
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} (x y : A) 
  cone (const unit A x) (const unit A y) (x  y)
pr1 (cone-Id x y) = const (x  y) unit star
pr1 (pr2 (cone-Id x y)) = const (x  y) unit star
pr2 (pr2 (cone-Id x y)) = id

inv-gap-cone-Id :
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} (x y : A) 
  standard-pullback (const unit A x) (const unit A y)  x  y
inv-gap-cone-Id x y (star , star , p) = p

  is-section-inv-gap-cone-Id :
    {l : Level} {A : UU l} (x y : A) 
    ( gap (const unit A x) (const unit A y) (cone-Id x y) 
      inv-gap-cone-Id x y) ~
  is-section-inv-gap-cone-Id x y (star , star , p) = refl

  is-retraction-inv-gap-cone-Id :
    {l : Level} {A : UU l} (x y : A) 
    ( ( inv-gap-cone-Id x y) 
      ( gap (const unit A x) (const unit A y) (cone-Id x y))) ~ id
  is-retraction-inv-gap-cone-Id x y p = refl

  is-pullback-cone-Id :
    {l : Level} {A : UU l} (x y : A) 
    is-pullback (const unit A x) (const unit A y) (cone-Id x y)
  is-pullback-cone-Id x y =
      ( inv-gap-cone-Id x y)
      ( is-section-inv-gap-cone-Id x y)
      ( is-retraction-inv-gap-cone-Id x y)

cone-Id' :
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} (t : A × A) 
  cone (const unit (A × A) t) (diagonal A) (pr1 t  pr2 t)
pr1 (cone-Id' {A = A} (x , y)) = const (x  y) unit star
pr1 (pr2 (cone-Id' {A = A} (x , y))) = const (x  y) A x
pr2 (pr2 (cone-Id' {A = A} (x , y))) p = eq-pair-eq-pr2 (inv p)

inv-gap-cone-Id' :
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} (t : A × A) 
  standard-pullback (const unit (A × A) t) (diagonal A)  (pr1 t  pr2 t)
inv-gap-cone-Id' t (star , z , p) = ap pr1 p  inv (ap pr2 p)

  is-section-inv-gap-cone-Id' :
    {l : Level} {A : UU l} (t : A × A) 
    ( ( gap (const unit (A × A) t) (diagonal A) (cone-Id' t)) 
      ( inv-gap-cone-Id' t)) ~ id
  is-section-inv-gap-cone-Id' .(z , z) (star , z , refl) = refl

  is-retraction-inv-gap-cone-Id' :
    {l : Level} {A : UU l} (t : A × A) 
    ( ( inv-gap-cone-Id' t) 
      ( gap (const unit (A × A) t) (diagonal A) (cone-Id' t))) ~ id
  is-retraction-inv-gap-cone-Id' (x , .x) refl = refl

  is-pullback-cone-Id' :
    {l : Level} {A : UU l} (t : A × A) 
    is-pullback (const unit (A × A) t) (diagonal A) (cone-Id' t)
  is-pullback-cone-Id' t =
      ( inv-gap-cone-Id' t)
      ( is-section-inv-gap-cone-Id' t)
      ( is-retraction-inv-gap-cone-Id' t)

### The equivalence on canonical pullbacks induced by parallel cospans

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3}
  {f f' : A  X} (Hf : f ~ f') {g g' : B  X} (Hg : g ~ g')

  map-equiv-standard-pullback-htpy :
    standard-pullback f' g'  standard-pullback f g
  map-equiv-standard-pullback-htpy =
    tot  a  tot  b 
      ( concat' (f a) (inv (Hg b)))  (concat (Hf a) (g' b))))

    is-equiv-map-equiv-standard-pullback-htpy :
      is-equiv map-equiv-standard-pullback-htpy
    is-equiv-map-equiv-standard-pullback-htpy =
      is-equiv-tot-is-fiberwise-equiv  a 
        is-equiv-tot-is-fiberwise-equiv  b 
            ( concat' (f a) (inv (Hg b)))
            ( concat (Hf a) (g' b))
            ( is-equiv-concat (Hf a) (g' b))
            ( is-equiv-concat' (f a) (inv (Hg b)))))

  equiv-standard-pullback-htpy :
    standard-pullback f' g'  standard-pullback f g
  pr1 equiv-standard-pullback-htpy = map-equiv-standard-pullback-htpy
  pr2 equiv-standard-pullback-htpy = is-equiv-map-equiv-standard-pullback-htpy

### Parallel pullback squares

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3}
  {f f' : A  X} (Hf : f ~ f') {g g' : B  X} (Hg : g ~ g')

  triangle-is-pullback-htpy :
    {l4 : Level} {C : UU l4}
    {c : cone f g C} {c' : cone f' g' C} (Hc : htpy-parallel-cone Hf Hg c c') 
    (gap f g c) ~ (map-equiv-standard-pullback-htpy Hf Hg  (gap f' g' c'))
  triangle-is-pullback-htpy {c = p , q , H} {p' , q' , H'} (Hp , Hq , HH) z =
    map-extensionality-standard-pullback f g
      ( Hp z)
      ( Hq z)
      ( ( inv
          ( assoc
            ( ap f (Hp z))
            ( (Hf (p' z))  (H' z))
            ( inv (Hg (q' z))))) 
        ( inv
          ( right-transpose-eq-concat
            ( (H z)  (ap g (Hq z)))
            ( Hg (q' z))
            ( ( ap f (Hp z))  ((Hf (p' z))  (H' z)))
            ( ( assoc (H z) (ap g (Hq z)) (Hg (q' z))) 
              ( ( HH z) 
                ( assoc (ap f (Hp z)) (Hf (p' z)) (H' z)))))))

    is-pullback-htpy :
      {l4 : Level} {C : UU l4} {c : cone f g C} (c' : cone f' g' C)
      (Hc : htpy-parallel-cone Hf Hg c c') 
      is-pullback f' g' c'  is-pullback f g c
    is-pullback-htpy {c = p , q , H} (p' , q' , H') (Hp , Hq , HH) is-pb-c' =
        ( gap f g (p , q , H))
        ( map-equiv-standard-pullback-htpy Hf Hg)
        ( gap f' g' (p' , q' , H'))
        ( triangle-is-pullback-htpy
          {c = p , q , H} {p' , q' , H'} (Hp , Hq , HH))
        ( is-pb-c')
        ( is-equiv-map-equiv-standard-pullback-htpy Hf Hg)

    is-pullback-htpy' :
      {l4 : Level} {C : UU l4} (c : cone f g C) {c' : cone f' g' C}
      (Hc : htpy-parallel-cone Hf Hg c c') 
      is-pullback f g c  is-pullback f' g' c'
    is-pullback-htpy' (p , q , H) {p' , q' , H'} (Hp , Hq , HH) is-pb-c =
        ( gap f g (p , q , H))
        ( map-equiv-standard-pullback-htpy Hf Hg)
        ( gap f' g' (p' , q' , H'))
        ( triangle-is-pullback-htpy
          {c = p , q , H} {p' , q' , H'} (Hp , Hq , HH))
        ( is-equiv-map-equiv-standard-pullback-htpy Hf Hg)
        ( is-pb-c)

In the following part we will relate the type htpy-parallel-cone to the identity
type of cones. Here we will rely on function extensionality.

refl-htpy-parallel-cone :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
  (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c : cone f g C) 
  htpy-parallel-cone (refl-htpy {f = f}) (refl-htpy {f = g}) c c
pr1 (refl-htpy-parallel-cone f g c) = refl-htpy
pr1 (pr2 (refl-htpy-parallel-cone f g c)) = refl-htpy
pr2 (pr2 (refl-htpy-parallel-cone f g c)) = right-unit-htpy

htpy-eq-square :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
  (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c c' : cone f g C) 
  c  c'  htpy-parallel-cone (refl-htpy {f = f}) (refl-htpy {f = g}) c c'
htpy-eq-square f g c .c refl = refl-htpy-parallel-cone f g c

htpy-parallel-cone-refl-htpy-htpy-cone :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
  (f : A  X) (g : B  X) 
  (c c' : cone f g C) 
  htpy-cone f g c c' 
  htpy-parallel-cone (refl-htpy {f = f}) (refl-htpy {f = g}) c c'
htpy-parallel-cone-refl-htpy-htpy-cone f g (p , q , H) (p' , q' , H') =
    ( λ K  tot
      ( λ L M 
        ( ap-concat-htpy H _ _ right-unit-htpy) ∙h
        ( M ∙h ap-concat-htpy' _ _ H' inv-htpy-right-unit-htpy)))

  is-equiv-htpy-parallel-cone-refl-htpy-htpy-cone :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
    (f : A  X) (g : B  X) 
    (c c' : cone f g C) 
    is-equiv (htpy-parallel-cone-refl-htpy-htpy-cone f g c c')
  is-equiv-htpy-parallel-cone-refl-htpy-htpy-cone f g
    (p , q , H) (p' , q' , H') =
      ( λ K  is-equiv-tot-is-fiberwise-equiv
        ( λ L  is-equiv-comp
          ( concat-htpy
            ( ap-concat-htpy H _ _ right-unit-htpy)
            ( (f ·l K) ∙h refl-htpy ∙h H'))
          ( concat-htpy'
            ( H ∙h (g ·l L))
            ( ap-concat-htpy' _ _ H' inv-htpy-right-unit-htpy))
          ( is-equiv-concat-htpy'
            ( H ∙h (g ·l L))
            ( λ x  ap  z  z  H' x) (inv right-unit)))
          ( is-equiv-concat-htpy
            ( λ x  ap (H x ∙_) right-unit)
            ( (f ·l K) ∙h refl-htpy ∙h H'))))

  is-torsorial-htpy-parallel-cone-refl-htpy-refl-htpy :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
    (f : A  X) (g : B  X) 
    (c : cone f g C) 
    is-torsorial (htpy-parallel-cone (refl-htpy' f) (refl-htpy' g) c)
  is-torsorial-htpy-parallel-cone-refl-htpy-refl-htpy {C = C} f g c =
      ( Σ (cone f g C) (htpy-cone f g c))
      ( tot (htpy-parallel-cone-refl-htpy-htpy-cone f g c))
      ( is-equiv-tot-is-fiberwise-equiv
        ( is-equiv-htpy-parallel-cone-refl-htpy-htpy-cone f g c))
      ( is-torsorial-htpy-cone f g c)

  is-torsorial-htpy-parallel-cone-refl-htpy :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
    (f : A  X) {g g' : B  X} (Hg : g ~ g') 
    (c : cone f g C) 
    is-torsorial (htpy-parallel-cone (refl-htpy' f) Hg c)
  is-torsorial-htpy-parallel-cone-refl-htpy {C = C} f {g} =
    ind-htpy g
      ( λ g'' Hg' 
        (c : cone f g C) 
        is-torsorial (htpy-parallel-cone (refl-htpy' f) Hg' c))
      ( is-torsorial-htpy-parallel-cone-refl-htpy-refl-htpy f g)

  is-torsorial-htpy-parallel-cone :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
    {f f' : A  X} (Hf : f ~ f') {g g' : B  X} (Hg : g ~ g') 
    (c : cone f g C) 
    is-torsorial (htpy-parallel-cone Hf Hg c)
    {A = A} {B} {X} {C} {f} {f'} Hf {g} {g'} Hg =
      { A = A}
      { B = λ t  X}
      ( f)
      ( λ f'' Hf'  (g g' : B  X) (Hg : g ~ g') (c : cone f g C) 
        is-contr (Σ (cone f'' g' C) (htpy-parallel-cone Hf' Hg c)))
      ( λ g g' Hg  is-torsorial-htpy-parallel-cone-refl-htpy f Hg)
      Hf g g' Hg

tr-tr-refl-htpy-cone :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
  (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c : cone f g C) 
    tr-c = tr  x  cone x g C) (eq-htpy (refl-htpy {f = f})) c
    tr-tr-c = tr  y  cone f y C) (eq-htpy (refl-htpy {f = g})) tr-c
  tr-tr-c  c
tr-tr-refl-htpy-cone {C = C} f g c =
    tr-c = tr  f'''  cone f''' g C) (eq-htpy refl-htpy) c
    tr-tr-c = tr  g''  cone f g'' C) (eq-htpy refl-htpy) tr-c
    α : tr-tr-c  tr-c
    α = ap  t  tr  g''  cone f g'' C) t tr-c) (eq-htpy-refl-htpy g)
    β : tr-c  c
    β = ap  t  tr  f'''  cone f''' g C) t c) (eq-htpy-refl-htpy f)
  α  β

htpy-eq-square-refl-htpy :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
  (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c c' : cone f g C) 
  let tr-c = tr  x  cone x g C) (eq-htpy (refl-htpy {f = f})) c
      tr-tr-c = tr  y  cone f y C) (eq-htpy (refl-htpy {f = g})) tr-c
  tr-tr-c  c'  htpy-parallel-cone (refl-htpy' f) (refl-htpy' g) c c'
htpy-eq-square-refl-htpy f g c c' =
    ( is-equiv-concat (tr-tr-refl-htpy-cone f g c) c')
    ( λ p  htpy-parallel-cone (refl-htpy' f) (refl-htpy' g) c c')
    ( htpy-eq-square f g c c')

left-map-triangle-eq-square-refl-htpy :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
  (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c c' : cone f g C) 
  ( htpy-eq-square-refl-htpy f g c c' 
    concat (tr-tr-refl-htpy-cone f g c) c') ~
  ( htpy-eq-square f g c c')
left-map-triangle-eq-square-refl-htpy f g c c' =
    ( is-equiv-concat (tr-tr-refl-htpy-cone f g c) c')
    ( λ p  htpy-parallel-cone (refl-htpy' f) (refl-htpy' g) c c')
    ( htpy-eq-square f g c c')

  htpy-parallel-cone-eq' :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
    (f : A  X) {g g' : B  X} (Hg : g ~ g') 
    (c : cone f g C) (c' : cone f g' C) 
      tr-c = tr  x  cone x g C) (eq-htpy (refl-htpy {f = f})) c
      tr-tr-c = tr  y  cone f y C) (eq-htpy Hg) tr-c
    tr-tr-c  c'  htpy-parallel-cone (refl-htpy' f) Hg c c'
  htpy-parallel-cone-eq' {C = C} f {g} =
    ind-htpy g
      ( λ g'' Hg' 
        ( c : cone f g C) (c' : cone f g'' C) 
          ( tr
            ( λ g''  cone f g'' C)
            ( eq-htpy Hg')
            ( tr  f'''  cone f''' g C) (eq-htpy (refl-htpy' f)) c))
          ( c') 
        htpy-parallel-cone refl-htpy Hg' c c')
      ( htpy-eq-square-refl-htpy f g)

  left-map-triangle-parallel-cone-eq' :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
    (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c c' : cone f g C) 
    ( ( htpy-parallel-cone-eq' f refl-htpy c c') 
      ( concat (tr-tr-refl-htpy-cone f g c) c')) ~
    ( htpy-eq-square f g c c')
  left-map-triangle-parallel-cone-eq' {A = A} {B} {X} {C} f g c c' =
      ( htpy-eq (htpy-eq (htpy-eq (compute-ind-htpy g
        ( λ g'' Hg' 
          ( c : cone f g C) (c' : cone f g'' C) 
              ( tr  g''  cone f g'' C) (eq-htpy Hg')
                ( tr  f'''  cone f''' g C) (eq-htpy (refl-htpy' f)) c)) c' 
          htpy-parallel-cone refl-htpy Hg' c c')
      ( htpy-eq-square-refl-htpy f g)) c) c'))
      ( concat (tr-tr-refl-htpy-cone f g c) c') ∙h
    ( left-map-triangle-eq-square-refl-htpy f g c c')

  htpy-parallel-cone-eq :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
    {f f' : A  X} (Hf : f ~ f') {g g' : B  X} (Hg : g ~ g') 
    (c : cone f g C) (c' : cone f' g' C) 
    let tr-c = tr  x  cone x g C) (eq-htpy Hf) c
        tr-tr-c = tr  y  cone f' y C) (eq-htpy Hg) tr-c
    tr-tr-c  c'  htpy-parallel-cone Hf Hg c c'
  htpy-parallel-cone-eq {A = A} {B} {X} {C} {f} {f'} Hf {g} {g'} Hg c c' p =
    ind-htpy f
    ( λ f'' Hf' 
      ( g g' : B  X) (Hg : g ~ g') (c : cone f g C) (c' : cone f'' g' C) 
      ( Id
        ( tr  g''  cone f'' g'' C) (eq-htpy Hg)
          ( tr  f'''  cone f''' g C) (eq-htpy Hf') c))
        ( c')) 
      htpy-parallel-cone Hf' Hg c c')
    ( λ g g'  htpy-parallel-cone-eq' f {g = g} {g' = g'})
    Hf g g' Hg c c' p

  left-map-triangle-parallel-cone-eq :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
    (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c c' : cone f g C) 
    ( ( htpy-parallel-cone-eq refl-htpy refl-htpy c c') 
      ( concat (tr-tr-refl-htpy-cone f g c) c')) ~
    ( htpy-eq-square f g c c')
  left-map-triangle-parallel-cone-eq {A = A} {B} {X} {C} f g c c' =
      ( htpy-eq (htpy-eq (htpy-eq (htpy-eq (htpy-eq (htpy-eq (compute-ind-htpy f
        ( λ f'' Hf' 
          ( g g' : B  X) (Hg : g ~ g') (c : cone f g C) (c' : cone f'' g' C) 
            ( Id
              ( tr
                ( λ g''  cone f'' g'' C)
                ( eq-htpy Hg)
                ( tr  f'''  cone f''' g C) (eq-htpy Hf') c))
              ( c')) 
            htpy-parallel-cone Hf' Hg c c')
        ( λ g g'  htpy-parallel-cone-eq' f {g = g} {g' = g'})) g) g)
        refl-htpy) c) c'))
      ( concat (tr-tr-refl-htpy-cone f g c) c') ∙h
      ( left-map-triangle-parallel-cone-eq' f g c c')

  is-fiberwise-equiv-htpy-parallel-cone-eq :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
    {f f' : A  X} (Hf : f ~ f') {g g' : B  X} (Hg : g ~ g') 
    (c : cone f g C) (c' : cone f' g' C) 
    is-equiv (htpy-parallel-cone-eq Hf Hg c c')
    {A = A} {B} {X} {C} {f} {f'} Hf {g} {g'} Hg c c' =
    ind-htpy f
      ( λ f' Hf 
        ( g g' : B  X) (Hg : g ~ g') (c : cone f g C) (c' : cone f' g' C) 
          is-equiv (htpy-parallel-cone-eq Hf Hg c c'))
      ( λ g g' Hg c c' 
        ind-htpy g
          ( λ g' Hg 
            ( c : cone f g C) (c' : cone f g' C) 
              is-equiv (htpy-parallel-cone-eq refl-htpy Hg c c'))
          ( λ c c' 
              ( htpy-eq-square f g c c')
              ( htpy-parallel-cone-eq refl-htpy refl-htpy c c')
              ( concat (tr-tr-refl-htpy-cone f g c) c')
              ( inv-htpy (left-map-triangle-parallel-cone-eq f g c c'))
              ( fundamental-theorem-id
                ( is-torsorial-htpy-parallel-cone
                  ( refl-htpy' f)
                  ( refl-htpy' g)
                  ( c))
                ( htpy-eq-square f g c) c')
              ( is-equiv-concat (tr-tr-refl-htpy-cone f g c) c'))
          Hg c c')
      Hf g g' Hg c c'

eq-htpy-parallel-cone :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
  {f f' : A  X} (Hf : f ~ f') {g g' : B  X} (Hg : g ~ g') 
  (c : cone f g C) (c' : cone f' g' C) 
    tr-c = tr  x  cone x g C) (eq-htpy Hf) c
    tr-tr-c = tr  y  cone f' y C) (eq-htpy Hg) tr-c
  htpy-parallel-cone Hf Hg c c'  tr-tr-c  c'
eq-htpy-parallel-cone Hf Hg c c' =
  map-inv-is-equiv (is-fiberwise-equiv-htpy-parallel-cone-eq Hf Hg c c')

### Dependent products of pullbacks are pullbacks

cone-Π :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level} {I : UU l1}
  {A : I  UU l2} {B : I  UU l3} {X : I  UU l4} {C : I  UU l5}
  (f : (i : I)  A i  X i) (g : (i : I)  B i  X i)
  (c : (i : I)  cone (f i) (g i) (C i)) 
  cone (map-Π f) (map-Π g) ((i : I)  C i)
pr1 (cone-Π f g c) = map-Π  i  pr1 (c i))
pr1 (pr2 (cone-Π f g c)) = map-Π  i  pr1 (pr2 (c i)))
pr2 (pr2 (cone-Π f g c)) = htpy-map-Π  i  pr2 (pr2 (c i)))

map-standard-pullback-Π :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {I : UU l1}
  {A : I  UU l2} {B : I  UU l3} {X : I  UU l4}
  (f : (i : I)  A i  X i) (g : (i : I)  B i  X i) 
  standard-pullback (map-Π f) (map-Π g) 
  (i : I)  standard-pullback (f i) (g i)
pr1 (map-standard-pullback-Π f g (α , β , γ) i) = α i
pr1 (pr2 (map-standard-pullback-Π f g (α , β , γ) i)) = β i
pr2 (pr2 (map-standard-pullback-Π f g (α , β , γ) i)) = htpy-eq γ i

inv-map-standard-pullback-Π :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {I : UU l1}
  {A : I  UU l2} {B : I  UU l3} {X : I  UU l4}
  (f : (i : I)  A i  X i) (g : (i : I)  B i  X i) 
  ((i : I)  standard-pullback (f i) (g i)) 
  standard-pullback (map-Π f) (map-Π g)
pr1 (inv-map-standard-pullback-Π f g h) i = pr1 (h i)
pr1 (pr2 (inv-map-standard-pullback-Π f g h)) i = pr1 (pr2 (h i))
pr2 (pr2 (inv-map-standard-pullback-Π f g h)) =
  eq-htpy  i  (pr2 (pr2 (h i))))

  is-section-inv-map-standard-pullback-Π :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {I : UU l1}
    {A : I  UU l2} {B : I  UU l3} {X : I  UU l4}
    (f : (i : I)  A i  X i) (g : (i : I)  B i  X i) 
    map-standard-pullback-Π f g  inv-map-standard-pullback-Π f g ~ id
  is-section-inv-map-standard-pullback-Π f g h =
      ( λ i 
        map-extensionality-standard-pullback (f i) (g i) refl refl
          ( inv
            ( ( right-unit) 
              ( htpy-eq (is-section-eq-htpy  i  pr2 (pr2 (h i)))) i))))

  is-retraction-inv-map-standard-pullback-Π :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {I : UU l1}
    {A : I  UU l2} {B : I  UU l3} {X : I  UU l4}
    (f : (i : I)  A i  X i) (g : (i : I)  B i  X i) 
    inv-map-standard-pullback-Π f g  map-standard-pullback-Π f g ~ id
  is-retraction-inv-map-standard-pullback-Π f g (α , β , γ) =
      ( map-Π f)
      ( map-Π g)
      ( inv (right-unit  (is-retraction-eq-htpy γ)))

  is-equiv-map-standard-pullback-Π :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {I : UU l1}
    {A : I  UU l2} {B : I  UU l3} {X : I  UU l4}
    (f : (i : I)  A i  X i) (g : (i : I)  B i  X i) 
    is-equiv (map-standard-pullback-Π f g)
  is-equiv-map-standard-pullback-Π f g =
      ( inv-map-standard-pullback-Π f g)
      ( is-section-inv-map-standard-pullback-Π f g)
      ( is-retraction-inv-map-standard-pullback-Π f g)

triangle-map-standard-pullback-Π :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level} {I : UU l1}
  {A : I  UU l2} {B : I  UU l3} {X : I  UU l4} {C : I  UU l5}
  (f : (i : I)  A i  X i) (g : (i : I)  B i  X i)
  (c : (i : I)  cone (f i) (g i) (C i)) 
  ( map-Π  i  gap (f i) (g i) (c i))) ~
  ( map-standard-pullback-Π f g  gap (map-Π f) (map-Π g) (cone-Π f g c))
triangle-map-standard-pullback-Π f g c h =
  eq-htpy  i 
      (f i)
      (g i)
      refl refl
      ( htpy-eq (is-section-eq-htpy _) i  inv right-unit))

  is-pullback-cone-Π :
    {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level} {I : UU l1}
    {A : I  UU l2} {B : I  UU l3} {X : I  UU l4} {C : I  UU l5}
    (f : (i : I)  A i  X i) (g : (i : I)  B i  X i)
    (c : (i : I)  cone (f i) (g i) (C i)) 
    ((i : I)  is-pullback (f i) (g i) (c i)) 
    is-pullback (map-Π f) (map-Π g) (cone-Π f g c)
  is-pullback-cone-Π f g c is-pb-c =
      ( map-Π  i  gap (f i) (g i) (c i)))
      ( map-standard-pullback-Π f g)
      ( gap (map-Π f) (map-Π g) (cone-Π f g c))
      ( triangle-map-standard-pullback-Π f g c)
      ( is-equiv-map-standard-pullback-Π f g)
      ( is-equiv-map-Π-is-fiberwise-equiv is-pb-c)

is-pullback-back-left-is-pullback-back-right-cube :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l1' l2' l3' l4' : Level}
  {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4}
  {f : A  B} {g : A  C} {h : B  D} {k : C  D}
  {A' : UU l1'} {B' : UU l2'} {C' : UU l3'} {D' : UU l4'}
  {f' : A'  B'} {g' : A'  C'} {h' : B'  D'} {k' : C'  D'}
  {hA : A'  A} {hB : B'  B} {hC : C'  C} {hD : D'  D}
  (top : h'  f' ~ k'  g')
  (back-left : f  hA ~ hB  f')
  (back-right : g  hA ~ hC  g')
  (front-left : h  hB ~ hD  h')
  (front-right : k  hC ~ hD  k')
  (bottom : h  f ~ k  g) 
  (c :
      f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
      top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom) 
  is-pullback h hD (hB , h' , front-left) 
  is-pullback k hD (hC , k' , front-right) 
  is-pullback g hC (hA , g' , back-right) 
  is-pullback f hB (hA , f' , back-left)
  {f = f} {g} {h} {k} {f' = f'} {g'} {h'} {k'} {hA = hA} {hB} {hC} {hD}
  top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom c
  is-pb-front-left is-pb-front-right is-pb-back-right =
  is-pullback-left-square-is-pullback-rectangle f h hD
    ( hB , h' , front-left)
    ( hA , f' , back-left)
    ( is-pb-front-left)
    ( is-pullback-htpy
      ( bottom)
      ( refl-htpy)
      ( triple
        ( hA)
        ( k'  g')
        ( rectangle-right-cube
          f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
          top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom))
      ( triple
        ( refl-htpy)
        ( top)
        ( coherence-htpy-parallel-cone-rectangle-left-rectangle-right-cube
          f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
          top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom c))
      ( is-pullback-rectangle-is-pullback-left-square g k hD
        ( hC , k' , front-right)
        ( hA , g' , back-right)
        ( is-pb-front-right)
        ( is-pb-back-right)))

is-pullback-back-right-is-pullback-back-left-cube :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l1' l2' l3' l4' : Level}
  {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4}
  {f : A  B} {g : A  C} {h : B  D} {k : C  D}
  {A' : UU l1'} {B' : UU l2'} {C' : UU l3'} {D' : UU l4'}
  {f' : A'  B'} {g' : A'  C'} {h' : B'  D'} {k' : C'  D'}
  {hA : A'  A} {hB : B'  B} {hC : C'  C} {hD : D'  D}
  (top : h'  f' ~ k'  g')
  (back-left : f  hA ~ hB  f')
  (back-right : g  hA ~ hC  g')
  (front-left : h  hB ~ hD  h')
  (front-right : k  hC ~ hD  k')
  (bottom : h  f ~ k  g) 
  (c :
      f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
      top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom) 
  is-pullback h hD (hB , h' , front-left) 
  is-pullback k hD (hC , k' , front-right) 
  is-pullback f hB (hA , f' , back-left) 
  is-pullback g hC (hA , g' , back-right)
  {f = f} {g} {h} {k} {f' = f'} {g'} {h'} {k'} {hA = hA} {hB} {hC} {hD}
  top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom c
  is-pb-front-left is-pb-front-right is-pb-back-left =
  is-pullback-left-square-is-pullback-rectangle g k hD
    ( hC , k' , front-right)
    ( hA , g' , back-right)
    ( is-pb-front-right)
    ( is-pullback-htpy'
      ( bottom)
      ( refl-htpy)
      ( triple
        ( hA)
        ( h'  f')
        ( rectangle-left-cube
          f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
          top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom))
      ( triple
        ( refl-htpy)
        ( top)
        ( coherence-htpy-parallel-cone-rectangle-left-rectangle-right-cube
          f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
          top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom c))
      ( is-pullback-rectangle-is-pullback-left-square f h hD
        ( hB , h' , front-left)
        ( hA , f' , back-left)
        ( is-pb-front-left)
        ( is-pb-back-left)))

### In a commuting cube where the vertical maps are equivalences, the bottom square is a pullback if and only if the top square is a pullback

is-pullback-bottom-is-pullback-top-cube-is-equiv :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l1' l2' l3' l4' : Level}
  {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4}
  (f : A  B) (g : A  C) (h : B  D) (k : C  D)
  {A' : UU l1'} {B' : UU l2'} {C' : UU l3'} {D' : UU l4'}
  (f' : A'  B') (g' : A'  C') (h' : B'  D') (k' : C'  D')
  (hA : A'  A) (hB : B'  B) (hC : C'  C) (hD : D'  D)
  (top : h'  f' ~ k'  g')
  (back-left : f  hA ~ hB  f')
  (back-right : g  hA ~ hC  g')
  (front-left : h  hB ~ hD  h')
  (front-right : k  hC ~ hD  k')
  (bottom : h  f ~ k  g) 
  (c :
      f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
      top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom) 
  is-equiv hA  is-equiv hB  is-equiv hC  is-equiv hD 
  is-pullback h' k' (f' , g' , top) 
  is-pullback h k (f , g , bottom)
  f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
  top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom c
  is-equiv-hA is-equiv-hB is-equiv-hC is-equiv-hD is-pb-top =
  descent-is-equiv hB h k
    ( f , g , bottom)
    ( f' , hA , inv-htpy (back-left))
    ( is-equiv-hB)
    ( is-equiv-hA)
    ( is-pullback-htpy
      ( front-left)
      ( refl-htpy' k)
      ( triple
        ( f')
        ( hC  g')
        ( rectangle-top-front-right-cube
          f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
          top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom))
      ( triple
        ( refl-htpy' f')
        ( back-right)
        ( coherence-htpy-parallel-cone-coherence-cube-maps
          f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
          top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom c))
      ( is-pullback-rectangle-is-pullback-left-square
        ( h')
        ( hD)
        ( k)
        ( k' , hC , inv-htpy front-right)
        ( f' , g' , top)
        ( is-pullback-is-equiv' hD k
          ( k' , hC , inv-htpy front-right)
          ( is-equiv-hD)
          ( is-equiv-hC))
        ( is-pb-top)))

is-pullback-top-is-pullback-bottom-cube-is-equiv :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l1' l2' l3' l4' : Level}
  {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4}
  (f : A  B) (g : A  C) (h : B  D) (k : C  D)
  {A' : UU l1'} {B' : UU l2'} {C' : UU l3'} {D' : UU l4'}
  (f' : A'  B') (g' : A'  C') (h' : B'  D') (k' : C'  D')
  (hA : A'  A) (hB : B'  B) (hC : C'  C) (hD : D'  D)
  (top : h'  f' ~ k'  g')
  (back-left : f  hA ~ hB  f')
  (back-right : g  hA ~ hC  g')
  (front-left : h  hB ~ hD  h')
  (front-right : k  hC ~ hD  k')
  (bottom : h  f ~ k  g) 
  (c :
      f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
      top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom) 
  is-equiv hA  is-equiv hB  is-equiv hC  is-equiv hD 
  is-pullback h k (f , g , bottom) 
  is-pullback h' k' (f' , g' , top)
  f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
  top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom c
  is-equiv-hA is-equiv-hB is-equiv-hC is-equiv-hD is-pb-bottom =
  is-pullback-top-is-pullback-rectangle h hD k'
    ( hB , h' , front-left)
    ( f' , g' , top)
    ( is-pullback-is-equiv h hD
      ( hB , h' , front-left)
      is-equiv-hD is-equiv-hB)
    ( is-pullback-htpy' refl-htpy front-right
      ( pasting-vertical-cone h k hC
        ( f , g , bottom)
        ( hA , g' , back-right))
      ( triple
        ( back-left)
        ( refl-htpy)
        ( ( assoc-htpy (bottom ·r hA) (k ·l back-right) (front-right ·r g')) ∙h
          ( inv-htpy c) ∙h
          ( assoc-htpy (h ·l back-left) (front-left ·r f') (hD ·l top)) ∙h
          ( ap-concat-htpy'
            ( h ·l back-left)
            ( (h ·l back-left) ∙h refl-htpy)
            ( (front-left ·r f') ∙h (hD ·l top))
            ( inv-htpy-right-unit-htpy))))
      ( is-pullback-rectangle-is-pullback-top h k hC
        ( f , g , bottom)
        ( hA , g' , back-right)
        ( is-pb-bottom)
        ( is-pullback-is-equiv g hC
          ( hA , g' , back-right)
          is-equiv-hC is-equiv-hA)))

### In a commuting cube where the maps from back-right to front-left are equivalences, the back-right square is a pullback if and only if the front-left square is a pullback

is-pullback-front-left-is-pullback-back-right-cube-is-equiv :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l1' l2' l3' l4' : Level}
  {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4}
  (f : A  B) (g : A  C) (h : B  D) (k : C  D)
  {A' : UU l1'} {B' : UU l2'} {C' : UU l3'} {D' : UU l4'}
  (f' : A'  B') (g' : A'  C') (h' : B'  D') (k' : C'  D')
  (hA : A'  A) (hB : B'  B) (hC : C'  C) (hD : D'  D)
  (top : h'  f' ~ k'  g')
  (back-left : f  hA ~ hB  f')
  (back-right : g  hA ~ hC  g')
  (front-left : h  hB ~ hD  h')
  (front-right : k  hC ~ hD  k')
  (bottom : h  f ~ k  g) 
  (c :
      f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
      top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom) 
  is-equiv f'  is-equiv f  is-equiv k'  is-equiv k 
  is-pullback g hC (hA , g' , back-right) 
  is-pullback h hD (hB , h' , front-left)
  f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
  top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom c
  is-equiv-f' is-equiv-f is-equiv-k' is-equiv-k is-pb-back-right =
    hB h' h hD hA g' g hC f' f k' k
    back-right (inv-htpy back-left) top bottom (inv-htpy front-right) front-left
    ( coherence-cube-maps-mirror-B f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD top
      back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom c)
    is-equiv-f' is-equiv-f is-equiv-k' is-equiv-k is-pb-back-right

is-pullback-front-right-is-pullback-back-left-cube-is-equiv :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l1' l2' l3' l4' : Level}
  {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4}
  (f : A  B) (g : A  C) (h : B  D) (k : C  D)
  {A' : UU l1'} {B' : UU l2'} {C' : UU l3'} {D' : UU l4'}
  (f' : A'  B') (g' : A'  C') (h' : B'  D') (k' : C'  D')
  (hA : A'  A) (hB : B'  B) (hC : C'  C) (hD : D'  D)
  (top : h'  f' ~ k'  g')
  (back-left : f  hA ~ hB  f')
  (back-right : g  hA ~ hC  g')
  (front-left : h  hB ~ hD  h')
  (front-right : k  hC ~ hD  k')
  (bottom : h  f ~ k  g) 
  (c :
      f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
      top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom) 
  is-equiv g'  is-equiv h'  is-equiv g  is-equiv h 
  is-pullback f hB (hA , f' , back-left) 
  is-pullback k hD (hC , k' , front-right)
  f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
  top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom c
  is-equiv-g' is-equiv-h' is-equiv-g is-equiv-h is-pb-back-left =
    hC k' k hD hA f' f hB g' g h' h
    back-left (inv-htpy back-right) (inv-htpy top)
    ( inv-htpy bottom) (inv-htpy front-left) front-right
    ( coherence-cube-maps-rotate-120 f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
      top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom c)
    is-equiv-g' is-equiv-g is-equiv-h' is-equiv-h is-pb-back-left

### Identity types commute with pullbacks

cone-ap :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
  (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c : cone f g C) (c1 c2 : C) 
  let p = pr1 c
      q = pr1 (pr2 c)
      H = pr2 (pr2 c)
    ( λ (α : p c1  p c2)  ap f α  H c2)
    ( λ (β : q c1  q c2)  H c1  ap g β)
    ( c1  c2)
pr1 (cone-ap f g (p , q , H) c1 c2) = ap p
pr1 (pr2 (cone-ap f g (p , q , H) c1 c2)) = ap q
pr2 (pr2 (cone-ap f g (p , q , H) c1 c2)) γ =
  ( ap  t  t  (H c2)) (inv (ap-comp f p γ))) 
  ( ( inv-nat-htpy H γ) 
    ( ap  t  (H c1)  t) (ap-comp g q γ)))

cone-ap' :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
  (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c : cone f g C) (c1 c2 : C) 
  let p = pr1 c
      q = pr1 (pr2 c)
      H = pr2 (pr2 c)
    ( λ (α : p c1  p c2)  tr (f (p c1) =_) (H c2) (ap f α))
    ( λ (β : q c1  q c2)  H c1  ap g β)
    ( c1  c2)
pr1 (cone-ap' f g (p , q , H) c1 c2) = ap p
pr1 (pr2 (cone-ap' f g (p , q , H) c1 c2)) = ap q
pr2 (pr2 (cone-ap' f g (p , q , H) c1 c2)) γ =
  ( tr-Id-right (H c2) (ap f (ap p γ))) 
  ( ( ap (_∙ H c2) (inv (ap-comp f p γ))) 
    ( ( inv-nat-htpy H γ) 
      ( ap (H c1 ∙_) (ap-comp g q γ))))

is-pullback-cone-ap :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
  (f : A  X) (g : B  X) (c : cone f g C)  is-pullback f g c 
  (c1 c2 : C) 
  let p = pr1 c
      q = pr1 (pr2 c)
      H = pr2 (pr2 c)
    ( λ (α : vertical-map-cone f g c c1  vertical-map-cone f g c c2) 
      ap f α  coherence-square-cone f g c c2)
    ( λ (β : horizontal-map-cone f g c c1  horizontal-map-cone f g c c2) 
      H c1  ap g β)
    ( cone-ap f g c c1 c2)
is-pullback-cone-ap f g (p , q , H) is-pb-c c1 c2 =
    ( λ α  tr-Id-right (H c2) (ap f α))
    ( refl-htpy)
    ( cone-ap' f g (p , q , H) c1 c2)
    ( refl-htpy , refl-htpy , right-unit-htpy)
    ( is-pullback-family-is-pullback-tot
      ( f (p c1) =_)
      ( λ a  ap f {x = p c1} {y = a})
      ( λ b β  H c1  ap g β)
      ( p , q , H)
      ( cone-ap' f g (p , q , H) c1)
      ( is-pb-c)
      ( is-pullback-is-equiv
        ( map-Σ _ f  a α  ap f α))
        ( map-Σ _ g  b β  H c1  ap g β))
        ( tot-cone-cone-family
          ( f (p c1) =_)
          ( λ a  ap f)
          ( λ b β  H c1  ap g β)
          ( p , q , H)
          ( cone-ap' f g (p , q , H) c1))
        ( is-equiv-is-contr _
          ( is-torsorial-path (q c1))
          ( is-torsorial-path (f (p c1))))
        ( is-equiv-is-contr _
          ( is-torsorial-path c1)
          ( is-torsorial-path (p c1))))
      ( c2))

## Table of files about pullbacks

The following table lists files that are about pullbacks as a general concept.

{{#include tables/pullbacks.md}}