{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting #-}

open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-natural-numbers

open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.booleans
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.coproduct-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.embeddings
open import foundation.empty-types
open import foundation.equality-coproduct-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.existential-quantification
open import foundation.fibers-of-maps
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.functoriality-propositional-truncation
open import foundation.functoriality-truncation
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.locally-small-types
open import foundation.propositional-maps
open import foundation.propositional-truncations
open import foundation.raising-universe-levels
open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation.truncated-maps
open import foundation.truncated-types
open import foundation.truncations
open import foundation.truncation-levels
  renaming (truncation-level-minus-one-ℕ to minus-one;
    truncation-level-minus-two-ℕ to minus-two;
    truncation-level-ℕ to to-𝕋)
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-empty-type
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-unit-type
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-booleans
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.univalence
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import e-structure.core
open import functor.n-slice
open import image-factorisation
open import notation hiding (sup)

module fixed-point.unordered-tupling {i j}
  (m n k : ) (p : m == add-ℕ' n k)
  (V : UU j) (fixed-point-V : V  T-[ m ] i V)
  (is-n+1-small-V : is-[ succ-ℕ n ]-small i V) where

-- Construction of ∈-structure on V
open import fixed-point.core m V fixed-point-V

-- Property of having unordered tupling
open import e-structure.property.unordered-tupling ∈-structure-V

unordered-tuple : (I : UU i)  (I  V)  V
unordered-tuple I σ =
    (trunc-Image is-n+1-small-V σ ,
    trunc-image-inclusion-eq-add-ℕ' k (succ-ℕ m) (ap succ-ℕ p) is-n+1-small-V σ)

∈-unordered-tuple : (I : UU i)
                   (σ : I  V)
                   (z : V)
                   (z  unordered-tuple I σ)  type-trunc (minus-one n) (Σ I λ i  σ i == z)
∈-unordered-tuple I σ z =
    z  unordered-tuple I σ
       fiber (map-trunc-map
         (trunc-image-inclusion-eq-add-ℕ' _ _
           (ap succ-ℕ p) is-n+1-small-V σ)) z         by equiv-eq (∈-sup z)
       type-trunc (minus-one n) (Σ I λ i  σ i == z) by equiv-fiber-trunc-Image-im is-n+1-small-V σ z

n-unordered-tupling : (I : UU i)  [ n ]-UnorderedTupling I
n-unordered-tupling I σ = (unordered-tuple I σ , ∈-unordered-tuple I σ)

module ∞-unordered-tupling-from-k=0 (q : k == 0) where

  ∞-unordered-tupling : (l : )  l <-ℕ n
                       (I : Truncated-Type i (to-𝕋 l))
                       ∞-UnorderedTupling (type-Truncated-Type I)
  pr1 (∞-unordered-tupling l l<-ℕn (I , is-trunc-I) σ) = unordered-tuple I σ
  pr2 (∞-unordered-tupling l l<-ℕn (I , is-trunc-I) σ) z =
      z  unordered-tuple I σ
         type-trunc (minus-one n) (Σ I λ i  σ i == z) by ∈-unordered-tuple I σ z
         Σ I  i  σ i == z)                          by inv-equiv
                                                                 (I , is-trunc-I')
                                                                  i  Id-Truncated-Type
                                                                          (V , tr  l  is-trunc (to-𝕋 l) V)
                                                                                  (p  (ap (add-ℕ' n) q  commutative-add-ℕ 0 n))
                                                                          (σ i)
      is-trunc-add-ℕ : (j j' : )
                      is-trunc (to-𝕋 j) I
                      is-trunc (to-𝕋 (add-ℕ j j')) I
      is-trunc-add-ℕ j zero-ℕ = id
      is-trunc-add-ℕ j (succ-ℕ j') is-trunc-V =
        is-trunc-succ-is-trunc _
          (is-trunc-add-ℕ j j' is-trunc-V)

      H : Σ   x  succ-ℕ (add-ℕ x l) == n)
      H = subtraction-leq-ℕ (succ-ℕ l) n (leq-succ-le-ℕ l n l<-ℕn)

      is-trunc-I' : is-trunc (minus-one n) I
      is-trunc-I' = tr  j  is-trunc (minus-one j) I)
                       (ap succ-ℕ (commutative-add-ℕ l (pr1 H))  pr2 H)
                       (is-trunc-add-ℕ l (pr1 H) is-trunc-I)

-- In particular we have singletons and unordered pairs
singletons : [ n ]-Singletons
pr1 (singletons x) = pr1 (n-unordered-tupling (raise-unit i)  _  x))
pr2 (singletons x) y =
    y  _

       type-trunc (minus-one n) ((raise-unit i) × (x == y)) by pr2 (n-unordered-tupling (raise-unit i)  _  x)) y

       type-trunc (minus-one n) (unit × (x == y))           by equiv-trunc (minus-one n)
                                                                    t  x == y)
                                                                   (inv-equiv (compute-raise-unit i)))
       type-trunc (minus-one n) (x == y)                    by equiv-trunc (minus-one n) left-unit-law-prod

open singletons.notation singletons public

-- If k=0 then we can construct ∞-singletons
∞-singletons : k == 0
pr1 (∞-singletons q x) = pr1 (singletons x)
pr2 (∞-singletons q x) y =
    y  _
       type-trunc (minus-one n) (x == y) by pr2 (singletons x) y
       x == y                            by inv-equiv (equiv-unit-trunc
                                                 (V ,
                                                 tr  l  is-trunc (to-𝕋 l) V)
                                                     (p  (ap (add-ℕ' n) q  left-unit-law-add-ℕ n))
                                                 x y))

∈-unordered-pairs : {n' : }
                   (tup-bool : [ n' ]-UnorderedTupling (raise-bool i))
                   (x y z : V)
                   (z  pr1 (tup-bool ((if_then x else y)  map-inv-raise)))
                   type-trunc (minus-one n') ((x == z) + (y == z))
∈-unordered-pairs {n'} tup-bool x y z =
    z  _

       type-trunc (minus-one n')
          (Σ (raise-bool i)  b  (if (map-inv-raise b) then x else y) == z)) by pr2 (tup-bool ((if_then x else y)  map-inv-raise)) z

       type-trunc (minus-one n')
          (Σ bool  b  (if b then x else y) == z))                           by equiv-trunc (minus-one n')
                                                                                       b  (if b then x else y) == z)
                                                                                      (inv-equiv (compute-raise i bool)))
       type-trunc (minus-one n') ((x == z) + (y == z))                             by equiv-trunc (minus-one n')
                                                                                       b  (if b then x else y) == z))

unordered-pairs : [ n ]-UnorderedPairs
pr1 (unordered-pairs x y) = pr1 (n-unordered-tupling (raise-bool i) ((if_then x else y)  map-inv-raise))
pr2 (unordered-pairs x y) = ∈-unordered-pairs (n-unordered-tupling (raise-bool i)) x y

unordered-pairs' : is-set V
                  0-UnorderedTupling (raise-bool i)
pr1 (unordered-pairs' is-set-V tup-bool x y) = pr1 (tup-bool ((if_then x else y)  map-inv-raise))
pr2 (unordered-pairs' is-set-V tup-bool x y) x≠y z =
    z  _
       type-trunc-Prop ((x == z) + (y == z))                              by ∈-unordered-pairs tup-bool x y z
       (x == z) + (y == z)                                                by inv-equiv (equiv-unit-trunc
                                                                                  (Id-Prop (V , is-set-V) x z)
                                                                                  (Id-Prop (V , is-set-V) y z)
                                                                                   x=z y=z  x≠y (x=z  inv y=z))))

∞-unordered-pairs : {n' : }
                   is-trunc (to-𝕋 (succ-ℕ n')) V
                   [ succ-ℕ n' ]-UnorderedTupling (raise-bool i)
pr1 (∞-unordered-pairs is-trunc-V tup-bool x y) = pr1 (tup-bool ((if_then x else y)  map-inv-raise))
pr2 (∞-unordered-pairs {n'} is-trunc-V' tup-bool x y) z =
    z  _
       type-trunc (to-𝕋 n') ((x == z) + (y == z)) by ∈-unordered-pairs tup-bool x y z
       (x == z) + (y == z)                        by inv-equiv (equiv-unit-trunc
                                                        ((x == z) + (y == z) ,
                                                        is-trunc-coprod (minus-two n')
                                                          (is-trunc-V' x z)
                                                          (is-trunc-V' y z)))

-- If k=0 we can construct ordered pairs
open e-structure.core.ordered-pairing-structure V
open e-structure.core.trunc-sets ∈-structure-V
open import fixed-point.empty-set m V fixed-point-V

module ordered-pairs-from-k=0 (q : k == 0) where

  ordered-pairs : OrderedPairs
  ordered-pairs =
      (tr ∈-str-has-level (p  ap (add-ℕ' n) q  left-unit-law-add-ℕ n)  x y  is-trunc-∈ {x} {y}))
      unordered-pairs where
    open ordered-pairs

  -- Export the notation ⟨_,_⟩ : V → V → V for the ordered pairs
  open ordered-pairing-structure.notation V ordered-pairs public